Welcome to IREE.gd Documentation

Here is all the essential knowledge to use IREE.gd, the GDExtension for natively running the machine learning model in Godot. IREE.gd is made from IREE, the machine learning model compiler and runtime suite, and Godot-cpp, aka. GDExtension for C++.

IREE.gd requires Godot 4.2 to work.

For the supported platforms, IREE.gd supports multiple primary desktop and edge platforms. It uses different backends to accelerate the computation, depending on the platform on which the machine learning model is run.

Backends are executors for running the model. The backends are Vulkan, Metal and VMVX.

Below are the supported platforms with their corresponding backend.

Platform Backend
MacOS, iOS Metal
Windows, Linux, *BSDs, Android Vulkan

For the Metal backend, IREE.gd only supports the Apple platform with Apple silicon.

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